Mom to Common Core task force: Take the 4th-grade PARCC practice test. I dare you to tell me it make

August 2024 · 11 minute read

Sarah Blaine is a mother, former teacher and full-time practicing attorney in New Jersey who became a public education activist after watching what was happening in her daughter’s school during the controversial implementation of the Common Core State Standards and aligned standardized testing. In the following piece she challenges members of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s task force on PARCC (Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, one of the two multi-state consortia designing new Common Core standardized tests with $360 million in federal funds) to take a Common Core test and see if it seems like an appropriate task for children. This post first appeared on her Parenting the Core blog. Blaine, who gave me permission to republish this letter, has written several popular posts, including “Pearson’s wrong answer–and why it matters in the high-stakes testing era” and “You think you know what teachers do. Right? Wrong.”

By Sarah Blaine

Dear Members of Governor Christie’s PARCC Task Force:


I was one of those kids who always performed well on standardized tests. As a result of my scores, I was placed in gifted and talented programs, tracked into the honors and AP tracks (with their added boosts of inflated GPAs), and ultimately accepted to a highly selective liberal arts college. I wasn’t a particularly conscientious student, and I brought all sorts of hangups to my classwork (Carol Dweck is my hero, as I was definitely one of those kids who often didn’t complete assignments at all out of what I now believe was fear that I wouldn’t measure up to my “smart” reputation). But standardized tests saved me, and gave me a chance to “prove” my worth. You’d think I’d be the biggest cheerleader out there for our new, next-generation standardized tests. After all, standardized tests enabled me to skate through school until I finally matured enough to become a conscientious student while studying for my first graduate degree. Standardized tests served me well, so isn’t it time for me to return the favor?

Given that standardized tests have served me so well, I approached the Partnership for Assessment of College and Career Readiness (PARCC) sample problems and sample tests with an open mind. I first sat down to try some of the third through fifth grade sample math problems about a year ago. After that review, my major objection was to the technology, which makes solving math problems and justifying answers harder rather than easier. That is still true (although admittedly, the technology seems better than it was in January of 2014 when I first looked at these). But more recently, I first really sat with and reviewed the fourth-grade grade English Language Arts practice test. My real concern now is with the English Language Arts tests.

I have a fourth-grade daughter. She was first identified for our district’s gifted and talented program for English Language Arts in kindergarten, as she came into kindergarten reading chapter books. Her vocabulary and analysis skills remain quite advanced for a child of her age. And I can tell you that she retains the ability to imagine. Do you remember that, the ability to imagine with ease? Do you remember your childhood, when you could create imaginary worlds and people them with imaginary characters just by wishing them into existence? Do you remember building forts and castles that were as real to you as could be? For a moment, for just a moment, I ask you to call upon what is likely your long-stagnated power of imagination. Imagine yourself at 9 or 10 years old. Imagine your room, imagine your friends, and imagine your school work.


Then sit down. Keep yourself in your 9- or 10-year-old mindset. Boot up your desktop, or power up your laptop, or unlock your iPad. Navigate to the PARCC website, at Navigate to the fourth-grade English Language Arts PARCC practice test. Open it in front of you, right now, as you read this comment. If you refuse to sit down to take the sample tests yourself, then with all due respect I submit that farcical as this task force — with its six-week window to issue recommendations — might be, you are not meeting you obligation as member of this task force. Remember as you work through the fourth-grade PARCC practice test that you are not your current self — you are still your 9- or 10-year-old self .

As you take the fourth-grade English Language Arts PARCC test, stay in the head of 9- or 10-year-old you. Imagine your 9- or 10-year-old self reading the first story and the first poem. Imagine your 9- or 10-year-old self trying to answer the questions regarding what evidence supports the meaning of certain words. I bet your nine or ten year old self can probably figure out the first answer. Your 9- or 10-year-old self might even be about to figure out what evidence from the text supports that first answer.

What about the kid who already knows the definition of the word “drift”?


Now move on to the setting question. Imagine your n 9- or 10-year-old self attempting to distinguish which choices describe the setting. Remember that this is a “gotcha” question, as all five possibilities are described in the story, but the answer key states that the “correct” answers are only those that pertain to the settings in Priya’s present, and not to those settings that form the background for her memories. Did your  9- or 10-year-old self know that without me first revealing the answer? Does your 9- or 10-year-old self think it’s fair or appropriate to expect our 9 and 10-year-olds to intuit that distinction? If your 9- or 10-year-old self thinks this is unfair, do you think your  9- or 10-year-old self is going to keep devoting his or her best efforts to completing this test?

But keep imagining. Imagine, as you progress through the multiple choice questions, your  9- or 10-year-old self constantly having to try to scroll up and down to get to the proper portion of the story that relates to the question. As you imagine, remember, as my 10-year-old daughter reported to me from one of her class’s PARCC practice sessions, that if you accidentally click outside the testing box as you scroll, you will be locked out of the remainder of the test. Imagine the anxiety you feel that you might accidentally mis-click.

Now imagine your 9- or 10-year-old self attempting to distinguish the structural elements that delineate the poem versus those that delineate the short story. Imagine your nine or ten year old self trying to relate to and analyze Maya Angelou’s poetry. Imagine your  9- or 10-year-old self trying to figure out if “descriptions” apply to both.


Finally, you’re up to the first essay. Now imagine your 9- or 10-year-old self , hunting and pecking for each letter on the keyboard, trying to draft an essay in which you identify the theme of the poem and the theme of the story, and then to show how the characters in the story and the speaker in the poem “show” the theme. What themes did your 9- or 10-year-old self pick? What does your  9- or 10-year-old self think it means for the themes to be “shown through the characters”? Did your  9- or 10-year-old self truly sit down and try to type out a well-written and intelligent answer to this essay? Did your 9- or 10-year-old self remember to do this one finger at a time, laboriously hunting and pecking around the keyboard, now looking for a “c,” and later looking for an “f”? Did your  9- or 10-year-old self write to the best of his or her ability, or did your  9- or 10-year-old self just push to put something — anything — down on the screen as his or her frustration grew with the infernally slow progress of his typewritten thoughts? Does your adult self remember the frustration of trying to get your thoughts out on paper before your fingers could keep up with your brain?

Now, can you truly look me in the eye and tell me with a straight face that this is an appropriate task for our children?

Now, can you truly look me in the eye and tell me in all honesty that a child that cannot succeed on this task is not on track for college or a career?


Now, can you truly look me in the eye and tell me as if you mean it that preparing our children for this work is what their teachers should be spending the year doing?

Now, can you truly look me in the eye and tell me that your child self would believe that this test was fair, and would not give up before the end?

Now, can you truly look me in the eye and tell me with sincerity that years spent preparing for tests like these aren’t going to suck the joy, imagination, love of learning, and creativity out of children — and their teachers?

Can you truly?

My large extended family gathered this Thanksgiving for turkey and togetherness. At our gathering, at the risk of sounding like a broken record, I spoke with my retired elementary school librarian aunt, with my aunt who works for a private tutoring center, with my college freshman cousin, and with my cousins whose kids are in third and fifth grade. They like my writing and they’re impressed by my activism, but none of them had really made the leap to think that my education activism is something that is really about them and their kids or their grandkids. They thought that their kids — like mine — are privileged enough to be good students in good public schools, and that these tests were really about the other kids, the kids without privileges and advantages, and that this fight had nothing to do with them.


But then I opened up my iPad. And I navigated to the PARCC fourth grade ELA sample test. And I made them try to take it. Each of them was appalled. Outraged. Infuriated.

So this is my request to this task force. Don’t issue a report or make recommendations until you sit down — publicly so that we know that you did it — and actually try taking these sample tests.  That is, to maintain any credibility at all, the task force must host — and participate in — Take the PARCC events across the state.

After that, you can move on to the other issues. After that, you can make recommendations.

After that, you can look at how often Pearson makes mistakes in its textbooks, and whether it’s reasonable to trust a company that makes such mistakes to design high-stakes tests that will eventually determine our students’ class placement and/or college graduation.


After that, you can look why it is categorically unfair — not to mention demoralizing — to have teachers’ performance reviews dependent on the outcomes of these tests.

After that, you can look at whether these tests improve children’s educational outcomes.

After that, you can look at whether high-stakes nature of these tests encourages widespread cheating.

After that, you can look at whether failures on these tests contributes to destabilizing schools and communities that serve our most challenged children.

After that, you can look at whether the high-stakes testing culture discourages highly qualified teachers from entering (or, as I can tell you in my case, from returning to) the teaching profession.

After that, you can look at what portions of our high local property taxes and precious school budgets are now paid to the for-profit industry that has sprung up around these tests.


After that, you can look at whether these tests are doing more harm than good.

After that, you can look at whether these tests are forcing schools to narrow the curriculum, as the requirement to devote school hours and resources to teaching to these tests means that those school hours and resources are not being used for other, more precious, lessons.

After that, you can look at whether these tests are stamping out our children’s imaginations even earlier than we lost the abilities to easily access our own imaginations.

After that, you can look at whether Acting Commissioner David Hespe of the New Jersey Department of Education should be instructed to revise his PARCC “opt-out” guidance to ensure that the child of any parent who conscientiously objects to his or her child serving as a guinea pig for these tests will be provided with an alternate education experience during testing.

After that, you can look at whether — assuming we agree that this is the purpose of public school, which we don’t — student performance on these tests will tell teachers, parents, and members of the community anything whatsoever about whether these 9 and 10 year olds are on-track for college and careers.

But first — first — you need to take the tests.


Sarah Blaine, B.A. in English (Wesleyan University, Middletown, CT), M.A.T. in Secondary English (University of Maine, Orono, ME), J.D. (Rutgers University School of Law–Newark, Newark, NJ)

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